Monday, August 19, 2013

Mundy Monday Updates: Times, they are a changing!

Heart of the Air Force painting from Canvas and Cocktails class at the Firehouse.
With military life, and any life in general, it seems like nothing can ever stay the same. You would think that the hubby and I were settled a few months back when I last posted (has it really been that long? geez). I mean, we are only expecting to live in Del Rio for about 2 years total so how could it change much more than it had stabilized to a few months ago. Clearly that wasn't the case. For those of you who follow Rick and me on facebook you probably realized that we have experienced a few changes. For example, Rick finished flying T-6's and tracked T-1's. What this means is that he is now done flying this plane:
T-6A Texan II
And will start flying this plane:

T-1A Jayhawk
"Track" marks that you are halfway through the undergraduate pilot training program, and depending on the plane you track determines the type of plane he will ultimately fly. Because he tracked the T-1 he is looking forward to flying a cargo or tanker plane. We won't find out what that plane is until the end of January though when we also hear what our next base will be.
Rick and I at the rodeo.

Rick hasn't actually started flying that plane yet though, he has quite a few weeks of classroom training that he has to get through first. He is definitely getting antsy to start flying again though.
Nice bum, where you from?
Another big change we have encountered is that we adopted another dog! My fellow Air Force spouse and good friend Bekah has always said that having two dogs is easier than having just one. Whenever she would say this, I would think "yeah, right". Dulce can be a bit of a terror when she wants to be, so having two Dulces sounded like a nightmare. Anway, our friend Mindy had recommended that we should check out this Mexican restaurant (shocker, a Mexican restaurant in Del Rio). I am a firm believer that you should not eat at a restaurant unless there are other people eating there already so we were giving this a restaurant a drive-by first. While we were searching for the restaurant by the prison (I live in a classy place) we ran into a terrible looking, little, white dog.
Nice dreadlocks!
I asked Rick to stop the car and we called to the little dog from the car. Please keep in mind that we were in the Corvette which is the loudest, scariest car ever. Surprisingly enough, the dog came to us even though the car was rumbling and growling away. At that point I knew we had to save this dog! So we figured we would drop this dog off at "A Pets Wish" which is a wonderful volunteer agency that rescues cats and dogs throughout the town, cleans them up, gets them healthy, and hosts adoption events. When we got there, we found out that they were already overladen with dogs and they couldn't take our little dog. We agreed (maybe just I agreed) to clean up the dog and host her at our place for a few days until there was room at A Pets Wish. Luckily for me, my neighbor was volunteering there at the time and she said she would come over and help us clean her up. She was such a life saver! We ended up having to shave the little dog down and give her a flea and tick bath because she was covered (yuck). Well, long story short we kept her and named her Leche! I guess Rick and I have a thing for adopting the most pathetic dogs we can find. Now Dulce and Leche are the best of friends and I have my sweet, little lap dog!

Here is Leche after a few flea and tick baths, and a good shave.

It was love at first sight!
Such a sweetie! The perfect lap dog!
Oh yes, I dress her up!
Dulce con Leche, a match made in heaven!
On the way for her first professional haircut. (Apparently our haircut was a bit choppy)
Womp womp, Leche came into her womanhood and got spayed in the same week. It's not easy getting older.

We celebrated Dulce's first birthday with homemade biscuits!
Such a sweetie!

As far as news concerning my job, it seems that the squeaky wheel really does get the grease. I approached my boss about wanting to work from the Del Rio office for the next phase of the project we are working on, and he agreed! There have been many delays in our project and it became very apparent that I wouldn't be able to complete the project during my time here so I will continue to work from the Del Rio office until my position is filled or something else changes. There are some things that we all take for granted, and I now realize what a blessing it is to live and work in the U.S., the best country in the world.
An American Flag, and a Welcome to the United States sign. The best welcome in the world!

Hopefully I will post again soon with more updates, but I just wanted to get our friends all caught up on some of the biggest changes we have experienced recently. I am not going to give myself any time limits as to when I will post again because I don't want to be disappointing again. So for now, I will post again when I post again. Love you all!

The Mundys

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